
Poem: Here Are My Eyes
Sight Words: down, when

Comprehension Strategy: This week students reviewed the meaning of Author's Purpose. There are 3 main reasons that we learn why authors write a story and those are; to entertain, persuade, and inform. We learned about persuade and how not only do authors persuade in their writing, but stores and restaurants persuade you to go and buy their product. We used their symbols to talk and discuss different places that might get us to change our mind about something. On Thursday we sorted a stack of books into persuade, entertain, and inform.

Accuracy: The words families we dove deeper into this week were the -ock and -ack word families. As always we listened to our songs, made our list of words and wrote the slide on Wednesday.

Vocabulary: This week students found words in the story "Arthur Meets the President". Students learned about words like speech and recite in this fun story about how Arthur wins a writing contest and gets to recite his speech to the President of the United States! But he is super nervous for the special ceremony! Words we learned and added to our chart include: recite, ceremony, speech, White House, President, and country.

iPads: This week students created a chatterpix retell of 1-2 facts about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. After gathering information from Pebble Go, students recorded their facts in Chatterpix using a photo previously shared with them. After recording they uploaded their finished product to Google Classroom.

Writing: This week in Writer's Workshop, we learned about text features. We learned that authors use text features to put emphasis on character feelings and exciting parts in the story. An author that does this a lot is Mo Willems. We used a few of his books to show how authors use these text features when writing. After discussing different examples we practiced writing a few on a dry erase board!

The remainder of the week students learned how you can write an informational book without beginning first with a planning page. If you have all of your ideas in your head and can clearly transfer them to a book without the need to plan it out, students now can do just that!

Math: This week students learned about one more and one less. We practiced this skill a variety of ways including using a number line to find a number and determine one more and one less. We also practiced this skill with a new math with someone game called Bump It! Students roll a dice and determine one more than the number they rolled. They have to cover that space on their game board. If their partner also rolls that number they can "bump" their partner's piece off that spot.

Another report card skill that we worked on this week was counting on from a given number. We pulled a number from our bag and then started counting from that number. Numbers ranged from 18-89. This is a great skill to practice in the car!

Another fun thing that we did this week was we tried out Quizlet Live! Quizlet is a website that allows students to answer questions and gives teachers an update of what students know and skills that need more work. Quizlet Live is a fun addition that allows students to get with each other to play as a team and answer questions quickly. Using the ipad students must work together because they will not always have the answer and must rely on their partner to tap the correct answer. Take a look at some of the fun we had!

Vocabulary: Students learned about more and less this week. Specifically knowing how to identify one more and one less for a given number.

iPads: This week students used QR codes to scan and find a 2-digit number to then represent tens and ones using the Number Pieces app.

Content: This week we celebrated President's Day. We learned who the President is and what roles the president has. We first listened and learned about the President's role through Pebble Go. We We went deeper to learn even more about President George Washington and Abraham Lincoln by reading stories, listening to information on Pebble Go and creating

SEL (Social Emotional Learning): Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

This week we spent lots of time learning about leaders. Since it was President's Day this week we looked and made lists of what makes a good leader. We read the book "Swimmy" to start the week off. This book shows students that you can be a leader by showing and sharing ideas about a situation. We then sorted different characteristics and talked about the differences between being a boss and a leader. We also listened to Kid President and learned about what others would do if they were president and a big leader to others. We ended the week by making a list of all the people we find to be leaders in our lives. 

STEM Night: We had our Kindergarten STEM night this week and had so much fun! Students came with their families to create a carrier that would hold a box of candy hearts down the zip line! Take a look at some of the awesome creations! 

Reading: Students will...
-learn and practice the strategy back up and reread.
-recall words in the -est and -ell word families. 

WritingStudents will...
-Learn about Verbs.
-Use nonfiction science readers to help guide them to write informational books.

MathStudents will...
-learn the term line.
-practice drawing 2D shapes (rectangle, square, circle, triangle).

ContentStudents will learn about Dental Health and end the week with Read Across America. 


Poem: The Elephant Goes Like This
Sight Words: with, that

Comprehension Strategy: This week students are practicing how to read with expression. This means that students understand how the author wants the characters portrayed and practice reading it with different feelings. We introduced this concept with a robot poster and explaining that we shouldn't read like a robot with no expression, but with feeling all while making our voice fluctuate. Later in the week we practiced reading a simple sentence with different feelings. We rolled a dice and read with the feeling associated to the dice. It was lots of fun and gave us time to practice this skill!

Accuracy: This week our word families were the -ump and -unk word families. We worked on making our lists and writing words with our slides on Wednesday!

Vocabulary: This week we read "The Biggest Valentine". In this story Desmond and Clayton decide to work together to build the best valentine for their teacher Mrs. Mousely. The words we added to our chart included doily, lopsided, edge, mischievous, envelope, and valentine.

iPads: For ipads this week students used their information about the story to fill out a story map in pic collage. Students scanned a QR code which brought them to a read aloud of the book "The Day It Rained Hearts". Then students recalled parts of the story to fill out the title, characters, beginning, middle, and end of the story.

Students also made valentines in pic collage and sent to me via Google Classroom. They were so sweet!

Writing: This week we learned about different feeling endings. When we end each of our informational books e include a feeling ending; a simple sentence that shows how we feel about that topic. We made different sentences as examples of sentences we could write including:
I like (snakes).
(Snakes) are cool!
(Gymnastics) is exciting!

Later in the week we learned about labels. Labels give readers information about a topic. We used our chart to show labels and how to teach the reader. Then we labeled a friend! We showed different parts of one of our friends.

Math: This week students practiced identifying the number of tens and ones in teen numbers. We practiced this skill a variety of ways including used tens frame paddles, number pieces app, and base ten blocks and a mat. Take a look at pictures and videos that show us in action.

Vocabulary: This week students learned about the words ten and one. These are not number words, but are in relation to the base ten blocks when talking about 2 digit numbers.

iPads: This week students worked on individual skills using the iReady app. This app starts students at the spot they end after taking the diagnostic. You can access this on the ipad or the computer and go through lessons and games that meet each student where they are academically in math.

Content: This week we celebrated Valentine's Day. We worked on creating our valentine boxes that our friends would put valentines in. We used cereal boxes covered in construction paper to decorate and add our faces, arms and hands to. They turned out great! We also graphed and recorded the number of colored m&m's from individual packages. We discussed as a class which colors there were fewer of and which colors there were the most of. Then we did a science experiment! We tested if candy hearts would sink or float in different liquids (soda, vinegar, and water). Of course on Valentine's Day we went all out on the fun! We played Pin the Kiss on Mrs. Keller where each student was given a kiss on a sticky address label. We spun each kiddo 3 times and they tried their best (with their eyes closed) to pin that kiss right on the lips! We had 2 successful kiddos! Then we decorated cookies, enjoyed 7-up floats, and passed out valentines to our friends. It was a great afternoon! On Friday we made our valentine Bees!

SEL (Social Emotional Learning): Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

This week we learned all about giving. Since this week is valentines we give valentines and sweet notes to our friends and families, but we talked about how there are lots of things that we can give that aren't always things. We started the week off by watching a story of Howard B. Wigglebottom, then we read the story, "The Giving Tree". Later in the week we made a list of things we can give others on a tree. And we ended the week by watching a video of Kid President talking about the importance of kindness and giving. 

Reading: Students will...
-learn words in the -ack and -ock word families. 
-review author's purpose and sort books. 

WritingStudents will...
-learn about text features and how to add in their own writing. 

MathStudents will...
-learn about one more and one less. 

ContentStudents will learn about presidents. They will learn what the president does and learn about 2 past presidents who helped shape our country.